Jan 8Liked by Sapito De La Foresta

Thankful to you for baring yourself here. It’s insightful, relatable, and exciting all at once.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8Author

You're most welcome.

I believe it is important and necessary to share these things openly when it comes to this work. Many people think about Ayahuasca as a drug or a magic pill that solves all our problems, which it isn't... It is a very powerful medicine and no joke to open yourself to this work. So I belief this to be an essential element to share my own process, so others that would love to work with me know that I'm not a guru and that I'm also working very hard on my own process.

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Jan 9Liked by Sapito De La Foresta

I appreciate your approach. Fully agree on sacred medicina and that we are all human on own individual journeys.

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