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Always an adventure up ahead so long as you’re willing to throw on some shoes or are willing to embark barefoot. Or bearfoot, if you’re walking with the support of the spirits…

Good to see the ‘verse is still keeping your life interesting! I took a break for Feb and have some stuff I’ve been chewing on that I’ll start back up next month, too. It’s always good to reset, recover, and recalibrate so you can distinguish the ordinary from the extraordinary. If you keep your nose to the ground for too long, you might miss out on something rad. But the fear of missing out shouldn’t outweigh the importance of doing our individual internal work. Thanks for still being a good inspiration and for being willing to walk the walk, so others know the route is possible. I look forward to seeing your growth, good sir, and all the good vibrations you promote within the greater weave!

Take care friend and welcome back from the brief hiatus!

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