Oct 25, 2023Liked by Sapito De La Foresta

I love the start of “The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreut” where Christian frees himself from the pit of despair by climbing the wall of the cave. At the entrance to the pit is a rope that is lowered just above the reach of the people below. The people clamber over one another and use each other as scaffolding to try to reach the rope. For them to succeed, someone must fail. Christian makes it out by forging his own path up the wall, but if he followed in the footsteps of those who preceded him, he would’ve remain trapped forever.

Whether it’s Plato’s cave, Christians pit, or Batman’s prison, sometimes you have to flank the crowd to get to your destination. We get caught up in how other people achieve their liberation and we think we can mirror their rise to fame, but it often involves stepping on someone else to gain fame.

Whether it’s worth it or not is another discussion, but I also thought of the Phoenix that is reborn stronger from the ashes of its previous life. Sometimes the carbon from the destruction is used to temper future iron into steel. That won’t happen without a forge. So forge on and find your destiny.

Great post!! These are all concepts I love chewing on. It’s good nutrition for the soul.

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Thank you for sharing! New lecture to chew on for me. ;)

I wasn't familiar with these stories. Most of my writings are raw expressions of what I have been going through and realizations that came out of those experiences.

I love your work also! It would be lovely to publish some of your posts in our monthly holistic magazine, if this is something you are interested in. It's a collection of many people their work together.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Sapito De La Foresta

I’m a massive nerd with a hell of a book shelf and addiction to lore. I just gobble knowledge in hopes I can share it with others when I get a chance! I like to cast a wide net for influences and then start tracing back who got them started and on and on. It’s been a fun way to learn!

I’m a tad vulgar in my postings because of my background, but absolutely! I don’t mind at all. It’s all just my perspective on things and trying to help others realize that yeah, it’s real dire out there, but look to your left and right. There’s some cool dudes to hang out with and learn from. Go be.

And, also, it’d be a waste of a hell of a lot of college money if I didn’t advocate for what I learned... so, I’m trying to stay useful! Don’t have any plans for monetization, but it’s kind of like buying expensive art to hang on the wall and admire by yourself. You can technically do that, sure, but the weave would be way cooler to propagate amongst... let the art flow and see what happens!

I appreciate your art as well and I appreciate you being the type of messenger we need today spreading the good words. I like life curious and it’s encouraging seeing others pondering life’s mysteries too. Thanks for showing up and illuminating the way.

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Oct 29, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023Author

I wish I had more time to read. We've been creating our own business these past 2 years to give more space in these kinds of topics to be able to share and to focus on connecting people, finding a way to a more balanced lifestyle and figure a way out of the chaos many people experience today. It is a whole journey filled with deep personal work along the way. Haha!

No worries Ben, it's that kind of raw authenticity that I like about your writing. I kind of became allergic to the idea of floating around on a pink cloud through spiritual concepts. It is so important to be open, yes... But also to bring it down into current day practice that help to apply this knowledge into a package that helps people through life. Instead of staying in a cloud of information. And so I belief it is important to be so raw as I experience in your content.

Your most welcome! Equal for you, thanks for your work and keep on going like your doing.

Btw, can I just respond to the email adres from your blogs for the details to complete the article?

Love and gratitude.

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You sure can, good buddy.

Yeah, you can thank good ole American take payers for turning me into a mean ass NCO that states his opinion rather clearly. They kept me away from delicates but I was the one they’d throw in front of bosses to show what’s up. It eventually turned into a “Fuck your opinion, there are these things called facts and evidence that credibly point to that being a dumb fuckin plan, sir” I decided to part ways and calm down... a little.

Not as mean anymore, but still have a bear sitting right below the surface that’ll pop up and maul the fuck out of things before I know whats happening, so I have to meditate a lot. A loooooooot....

Thanks again for your interest in my work! I had no idea what type of reception I’d have with my views, but I figured I could put my typing skills back to use and do what I do best, run my mouth like it’s fuel is nuclear. I’m glad it resonates with people!

Take care my friend and I’ll get you back when you shoot me that email for details. Have a great Halloween and tell your ancestors our Tribe says hello!

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