Mother nature is covered with the earth, the sky, the moon, stars, the sun, rivers, seas, hills and mountains, plants and trees, day and night are part of the process created by almighty to take care of the living things on this earth by enjoying the nature through various means like breathing fresh air, drinking water, crops will grow when rain falls down to meet the needs of human beings, fire will help us to prepare the food and other needs will be taken care by nature on its own as a matter of gift to this world given by God is really worth mentioned in this respect. Unconditional love comes alone from parents first which we can not measure with anything in this world. we should consider them as visible Gods and should take care of them as and when required as their children and fulfill the duty as a matter of responsibility and accountability by supporting them gives us an immense pleasure and satisfaction in this universe. Protecting nature is part of our duty. If we protect mother nature it protects us in many ways. Let us do our duty. Do your best. Give your best. Hope for the best. You will get the best. Believe! Belief gives everything.

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Beautiful :) Thank you for sharing. Always welcome if you like to share something for next month's magazine!

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Thanks a lot!

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Thank you for posting! From this list I follow Demi’s Starfire Codes. 💫 I will check out the other work!

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