Dec 11, 2023Liked by Sapito De La Foresta

I constantly use 4-7-8s and box breathing. I shallow breathe when I’m anxious and breath regulation helps me clean the pathways out. It’s usually my first sign that something’s going on, if I’m aware enough to notice it!

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God Ben, I really have to get back to you about the last magazine too. This past week has been filled up with tremendous changes. Hahaha!

Interesting about your experience with box breathing. I always found myself in navigating through natural ways and simply feeling into my body, following the guidance of the plants that I have been drinking. Not so well known with specific techniques. Out of curiosity, do you find that it helps to focus on counting while breathing? Like a sense of structure to your exercise?

And yeah I completely agree, the first step and most important one is noticing how we are breathing. It can be very enlightening to simply become aware of how we do it. No matter how simple it even sounds.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Sapito De La Foresta

If I’m shallow breathing, chances are I’m ruminating about some dumb shit and my brain is just on recycle repeat. When it gets that bad, the counts give my brain something to latch on to so the spiral stops and my body can calm. But, if I’m in traffic just driving around I don’t really count because I have enough stimulation to keep my brain behaving.

And don’t worry about the paper, I’m always here! I’m quite patient these days as I realize life has our engines running full throttle. Things settle when it’s meant to happen.

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Do you notice often going back to similar situations in thoughts from the past or is it applicable to any situation you encounter in daily life? Simply to remain grounded and bring the calmness back.

Yeah, about the magazine, I decided to pull the plug, because of my partner burning out with to much things to juggle. It brought other people their work in discredit. So I will be putting it online later as our last magazine and do the lay out for the articles she didn't included. So I can add them as extra in a Substack post. Back on my own feet now and going for solo projects with more attention to my podcast and coaching again!

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Sapito De La Foresta

It depends? Anniversaries are big and I've had a lot of not good shit happen during holidays. Most of the times of year people are amped up and excited my mind likes reminding me about the insanity of life, so I'm constantly dancing with my thought waves trying to get them to behave so I don't bum the people out around me. It takes a hell of a lot of internal interrogation and recognition, which is why I try to use my breath to figure out how I'm feeling. It usually lets me know I'm nervous before my brain collapses...

Ehh, art finds new ways to be birthed into existence. Sometimes evolution requires that some things become the nutrients for future growth. The magazine was but one way to develop and cultivate a network, now you get to fiddle and formulate something new. If you throw your heart into it, it'll shine whatever it ends up being. I'll damn sure be here cheering y'all on for whatever comes next. We need light now more than ever, so glad you're still in the mix and not giving it all up just because it didn't work out how you anticipated.

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Yeah I feel you, same here. Still every year I try to attend my focus on what the new way can look like to join and celebrate in the environment where I find myself during the holidays. With all the traveling it has been differently each year. Like in your last post mentioned about writing. To me this helps a lot to release past experience. I do combine with a tiny ceremony and some cleansing rituals, which are to my own experience really powerful. Each year is an opportunity to do it differently for me. So for this year I wish you a joyful and better holiday than ever before ;)

True that! The motivation has not left and I'm enthusiastic to bend into new directions. What I share here on my media platform is second nature to me, so I would never stop and be happy to embrace new directions. Learning as much as possible and adapting are powerful ways to pick up ourselves after a challenge and even get more energy out of it with clarity to do things differently when the space presents itself or is created.

I'm grateful for it all and embrace the unknown! Jeej, haha :D

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Thank you for this article. Something I became aware of very early in my healing journey is how I would inhale and hold it for extended periods. Unpacking why I did that was quite an inner exploration.

I also find the circumstances surrounding our first breath and how that imprints the nervous system quite interesting. In modern maternity pratices, the umbilical cord is typically cut prematurely forcing breath before we're ready. It's a fun rabbit hole to explore :)

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Most welcome Nicole!

It was one of those articles that came out of nothing with burning enthousiasme. It's lovely to see that it is welcomed by the community here.

It is, I can totally agree with your experience. Which I had at certain points in ceremonies also. Like I wasn't willing to let go of certain things and it went together with holding my breath until I managed to let go.

Rabbits holes can be a journey by themselves, isn't it? Hahaha, I love a good journey through the rabbit holes though! Very interesting that you share this about our very first breath. Coming into a fresh life is already a shock by itself. I never even considered looking at it from that perspective. Although I definitely agree that the awareness around this could create a more healthy approach to giving birth and bringing new souls into the human experience!

Thanks for sharing ;)

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