As a member of The Pendragons, I’ve met and performed magic for audiences worldwide, including famous personalities. I will be writing about my magical journey and talking about those beautiful experiences (and not-so-beautiful) on my podcast.
Success is a journey not the destination - Consistent effort gives the best results. Thought process is ultimate. An idea can change this world to great extent. Determine - Dedicate - Sacrifice - Focus more on your desired goals. Knowledge is powerful.
Weekly lessons learned from living in the forest, making art and exploring the language of the natural world (with a sprinkle of Polish folk traditions).
Ascension guidance, energy updates, planetary revelations, and my reflections and experiences on what is going on "behind the veil" as we make this monumental shift into a new age.
The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell explores spirituality, survival, metaphysics, media, and the truth. Join us for The Starfire Codes Podcast at starfirecodes.com
Writing from experience on men, money, love, and addiction from a former teenage boozehound, entrepreneur, and adventure guide. I'm here to tell the truth.