Hello community!
Over the past year and a half I’ve been looking for a way to answer the call, working with the plants that have helped me to reclaim my soul’s wisdom and clear out the blocks that have been holding me back from my true potential and soul’s mission.
We live in a world where we are world wide connected through the internet and are recognizing there is much more to life than what was thought to us. The rise of ancient wisdom and tradition is rising and has been for the past decade, even longer. When I started to research the use of plants and the traditions that still had knowledge on how to connect with the plant kingdom there was almost nothing to find on the internet. Which is not at all the case anymore today. There is an overload of information which can be a difficult journey to find the right information that you’re looking for. The right guide to provide the direction you wish to walk or continue your search to discover your personal direction. It is also a world that isn’t free of danger, harm and abuse. This is a very delicate topic to my experience and the things I have witnessed on my own journey to find my own way.
The lack of knowing how to connect to plants, how to find the right person for you to guide you in the work with plants, how to integrate these experiences and do something with it in your daily life instead of just piling up insights and not processing them into a daily practice or new lifestyle. Because there is a lot that comes along with the ceremonies and the way you open yourself up in this space. Also in my experience there isn’t much guidance for the real work that starts after the ceremonies. Not to point out that there is nobody, there definitely are people that are putting themselves out there as guides and integration coaches. But it takes a lot of personal work, often many many years, to be able to assist others through this process.
I have been thinking about doing a Q&A on zoom every 2 weeks to offer space to people there questions and to have safe space to listen to your experiences where I can help you to find clarity on your next steps or to even do deeper work with you afterwards if you feel a connection towards the way that I have build a relationship with these dear friends. That’s how I relate to plants. To me it is a very intimate relationship just as any other person that I love and hold close in my social life. I love working with them and am deeply grateful for all the wisdom and healing I gained over the past 7 years. I did a lot of this work through trial and error. But I also noticed that by finding the right people at specific points in my journey that this really helped me to shift the biggest blogs. Just because I had the opportunity to learn from somebody that knows how to handle the ropes and was able to teach me on how to handle my own. This is where the biggest progress kicked in and I would have never been here at this point if it wasn’t for these amazing teachers to show me the way. For this I’m forever grateful to Ron Wheelock and Pedro Panduro for being dear friends and wonderful guides in the most difficult times of my own process. Without them I wouldn’t be doing what I am today.
If you are looking for advice or have specific questions I would love to help you and hold space to listen to your story. My plan is to organize these zoom calls for 2 hours every 2 weeks, where I invite everybody for free guidance and build a community around the work with plants and personal growth. Is this something that you would like to attend to? Most welcome!
Sent me an email or put a comment with this post. Let us connect and I share the details for the first event on zoom for next week! And please share and subscribe to built community and stay tuned for future sessions.
With enthusiasm and gratitude,
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