Newsletter: Three essential pillars for a firm foundation
No matter what you do as an individual, this is for every human being!
Body, breath and mindset
All connected and necessary for basic health
It is simpler than we would think, but simple doesn’t mean that it will be easy. And challenges make you vibrant with energy. Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone?
The body, a chemical factory by itself that needs the right food in order to be productive and to be taken care of. Movement, in order to cultivate energy. Care, to feel appreciated and loved. Ground the body and nourish the nervous system.
Breath, the main key in directing e-motions, energy in motion. The key to reconnect and center oneself. Without breath, your body can’t take up oxygen, an element that no human being can live without.
Mindset, influenced by the chemical structure of the body, by the way we breath and what we eat. Determined by our environment, social circles, culture and parental foundation…
Most things don’t need crazy solutions in order to create a strong foundation in a healthy foundation. A foundation that is a must for each human being trying to find their way back to a more balanced lifestyle.
This is a daily practice that demands care and attention. And it is not something that can be solved by fluff or a single action. It takes consistent practice with the right amount of selfcare. It needs the right environment in order to flourish the seeds, which is unique to each individual.
What do you practice to fulfill this foundation?
Do you find yourself in a toxic environment or relationship?
Do you suffer from depression?
Carry PTSD with you, that is blocking you from reconnecting with yourself and the world around you?
Would you like to transform this and learn to let go of what has been holding you down all this time?
The solution isn’t complicated, it isn’t a far fetched spiritual teaching or magical pill that will relieve you from this state of suffering.
You only need to make some changes and give it attention on a consistent basis. Make changes step by step, without forcing yourself or creating expectations that demand huge and unrealistic actions. It takes patience, care and an invigorating environment.
Think about attending to your garden. One day you plant seeds, to cultivate your own vegetables. Will you be able to eat them the day after?
No, they will demand daily care and nourishment. You will see them grow over time. You will be giving them love, because you take care of your garden.
Doing this takes time, and in time, you will enjoy the rich flavor of your own cultivated vegetables.
The same goes for your own health. It takes time to overwrite, conditioning, mindset and find balance. It takes time to reconnect with yourself. But with consistent care you will get there! And one day you will be able to taste the fruits of the hard work that you put into this process. It’s nature in essence. Nature also doesn’t create trees overnight.