Episode 7: Hamilton Souther
From ancient technology and the traditions within the Amazon to a future perspective of our world.
In this episode I had the opportunity to have Hamilton Souther as a guest. Hamilton is the founder of Blue Morpho retreat center in Iquitos and his brand new Blue Morpho Mystery school.
Our conversation covered a wide range of topics, from his personal experience as Medico vegetalista (or Doctor of the vegetal world) and as a facilitator in the use of medicinal plants within the Amazonian traditions. He has over 20 years of experience in this line of work and shares a lot of his wisdom. The reality is that this line work is not regulated and it is not without risk to find the right guide and place to dive into this experience. More and more people are reaching out to the world of plants for healing, personal growth and expansion in consciousness. Of course the topic is way more complex than I can describe here, but this is a very long conversation if we would want to cover every aspect of it.
During our first introduction we talked about his personal experience on how it is to work with people after his training deep in the Amazonian rainforest until the point that he graduated and how he knew that he was ready to start to work with other people. We shed some light on his perspective about the spectrum of light and shadow in this tradition, which is a highly discussed topic in the spiritual community. The importance of the dieta and its different aspects. Integration and implementation of the work during ceremonies and dietas into daily life. The magical experience of being gifted with the icaros that are a very important part of becoming a healer with plants and a brief view in the different family lines and influences on the medicine space/experience depending on which tradition you would like to learn from or go to for healing.
Next to that I wanted to bring some attention to Hamilton’s projects. So briefly touched on the business side of the retreat center and his brand new mystery school. Which is in my opinion a very unique opportunity and good place for anybody that wishes to work on deeper levels with plants and even be in service to the plants and humanity. We kind of scratch the surface on the future of technology and the involvement of plants and other digital projects. We even shared some thoughts and perspectives on the new kid on the bloc, AI. It has become a part of our world and already was a part of our daily use of technology, but now that it has been released in the public domain, the opinions amongst people are very much divided. No matter what we think about it is here and so we believe that it is important to talk about this and learn to understand it.
Another podcast episode from Sabri Gazail with Hamilton as a guest was for me the offset to explore more around AI and reach out to Hamilton for this episode. If you like to read the article with the link to this episode you can click on this button. And I also added a button to Sabri’s podcast channel, with many more amazing conversations!
Thank you for checking out this episode!
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If you like to get in touch with Hamilton, wish to attend a retreat or even become a disciple at the Blue Morpho Academy you can connect with him through these links;
Also the GodAI that has been mentioned in this podcast is a very interesting explorations for those of you that wish to try it out for yourselves:
If you like to get in touch with me or gain insight on our projects you can find the details below. Also don’t hesitate to reach out if you need a listening ear, my first session is free for new people!